Dec 22, 2022Liked by Chris J. Karr

So many twisted facts. Hunter started working for burisma in 2014. Trump and Rudy were not looking at the Biden payola scam until the second half of the trump administration, 2018.

It is very obvious today that the Russians never interfered with the 2016 election and of course we know that there was no collusion between Russia and the trump campaign for the presidency in 2016. The 20 million dollar investigation found no collusion evidence and of course the only evidence of Russian interference came from FB, the FBI and the CIA and those sources lie and distort for the democrats.

So, we are left with years of congressional sanctions against Russia for no reason other than the Obama administration personnel taking kickbacks from Ukrainian companies and likely Ukrainian government officials.

I wonder why some look at this entire confrontation as another scam perpetuated on the American citizenry. The American war machine is making money, the Ukrainian Oligarchs are profiting, Ukrainians citizens are dying and American taxpayers are paying for it all to happen. MAGA should be standing up tall against it.

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1. I didn't imply otherwise.

2. Almost every Trump-appointed intelligence official disagrees with you.

3. So Republicans in the Trump Administration sanctioned Russia because Obama officials took kickbacks? [scratches head in puzzled manner]

4. It's a pretty twisted view of both America and Ukraine to believe that the US somehow tricked Putin into invading so we could shovel money out the door to help Ukrainians kill Russian soldiers. This is exactly the sort of Blame America First stuff that is typical throughout MAGA.

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Dec 22, 2022Liked by Chris J. Karr, David Thornton

US Senate report on Russian interference in 2016, and the Trump campaign ties: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/senate-panel-finds-russia-interfered-in-the-2016-us-election

Russia admitting they interfered in 2016: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/putin-connected-businessman-admits-interference-in-u-s-elections

If MAGA gives a damn about Ukrainian lives then they should be pushing for Russia to leave Ukraine. They should place the blame for this war where it is due: with Russia.

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The US Senate report was based on input from FBI and CIA and big tech. None of those sources are reliable in light of the Twitter files. I believed it when it originally came out but see no reason to believe it now.

Putin connected business man admits interference. Really that is your basis for the fiction? No chance that is Russian Propaganda, no not at all!

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The Twitter files are a nothingburger: take a look at one of the items that Twitter was reimbursed for by the FBI https://twitter.com/NGrossman81/status/1605970061453410305/

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So, you are giving credence to a left-wing academic who uses non-facts to argue a point.

Nicholas Grossman: ""2703(d) twitter 2020" shows 270 cases, I'm not reading them all, so I can't say if any were inappropriate.

But it's on accusers to support their accusations.

Not looking this up (or not finding evidence and not admitting it) shows they're going for conspiracy theory, not facts."

I find Twitter threads almost impossible to follow so I'm not reading all of his source links either. It's up to him to present a factual argument.

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Dec 23, 2022·edited Dec 23, 2022

He's making a point that the entire "Twitter Files release" is being presented breathlessly and out-of-context, and without supporting evidence. People are making a big to-do about Twitter complying with the FBI, without seeing that it involves things like sexual exploitation of children - which is a factual item Mr Grossman provided. The lack of this information is intentional on the part of Elon/Taibbi/et al.

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Dec 23, 2022·edited Dec 23, 2022

And his lack of information counts for nothing? If the facts are in the tweets, what is the FBI paying for? I have never subscribed to Twitter, so I don't the extent of sexual exploitation of children. Are there 1000 or 1,000,000 abusive accounts? What could the FBI get out of Twitter that would assist them to track down spoofed and robot accounts? Does it cost Twitter $3.00 or $1000 to report email addresses of each of those accounts? Mr. Grossman should provide facts if he wants credibility.

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Dec 23, 2022·edited Dec 23, 2022

Here's one of the affidavits from the provided link (cyberstalking):


To the surprise of no one, a bunch of those are related to January 6 and violations of 18 u.s.c. 1752 (https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/1752).

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You are half right. But Russia interferes with American politics to the extent they can, and they did invade Ukraine.

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