
I just hope that if Trump goes to jail, someone in the prison administration pairs him up with Michael Avenatti as his cell bunkmate. That will be TRUE justice.

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Mar 18, 2023Liked by Chris J. Karr

And maybe Biden could get Cornpop for a cell mate if justice were a real impartial thing.

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Mar 20, 2023·edited Mar 20, 2023Author

Another one to add to the list of investigations, this time involving the Truth Social SPAC:

"In April 2021, Trump’s representatives had a videoconference with Patrick Orlando, Digital World’s chief executive. A month later, Digital World advised the federal government in securities filings that it had *not* identified or had discussions with any potential merger targets."

"In October, Trump Media & Technology Group merged with Digital World, which provided $293 million in funding it raised in its IPO on September 8, 2021, mostly from big investors who pitched in as much as $30 million apiece. The series of events drew the attention of the SEC, which opened an investigation in December 2021, presumably out of a concern that Trump and Digital World might have secretly planned the merger before going public and failed to disclose their communications to the SEC. According to reporting by the New York Times, the average time for public blank check companies to find a target to merge with and complete a deal is 17 months. Digital World did it within a month of going public. The SEC probe has delayed the Trump Media-Digital World merger indefinitely."


"In June 2022, it was revealed that a federal grand jury—which issued subpoenas to Digital World board members—is also involved. Last week, the Guardian reported that federal prosecutors have expanded their criminal investigation to examine two loans totaling $8 million that were wired to Trump Media through the Caribbean from entities connected to an ally of Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin."


"Will Wilkerson, a former Trump Media executive who was fired from his post, reportedly filed a whistleblower complaint with the SEC alleging that the Trump Media-Digital World merger was rife with 'fraudulent misrepresentations . . . in violation of federal securities laws.' Also according to Wilkerson, in the spring of 2022, Trump Media’s then-chief financial officer, Phillip Juhan, considered returning the $8 million cash infusion but decided not to because, with only $12 million total in its accounts at the time, the company was already financially vulnerable."[1]

I'm trying to think of a financial crime that DWAC/Truth Social hasn't already marked down on their Bingo card.

[1] https://www.thebulwark.com/the-trump-investigation-you-probably-havent-heard-about/

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Mar 19, 2023Liked by Chris J. Karr, David Thornton

What are your thoughts on Barry Loudermilk and his committee to investigate the Jan 6 committee?

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I’m skeptical that Loudermilk, endorsed by Trump, really wants to get to the bottom of J6.

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Mar 20, 2023Liked by Chris J. Karr

Be nice if you were as interested in the Biden's Empire of malfeasance. But, no - you lefties are always oblivious to the truth. Shame.

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So far, Biden’s alleged crimes don’t live up to the hype. If and when they do, I’ll be glad to spend time on them. For the moment, defending Trump while attacking Biden’s behavior is a splinter/plank situation.

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Mar 20, 2023Liked by Chris J. Karr

Influence peddling is not illegal, though we can have a conversation about whether it should/shouldn't be so.

The thing that's missing is evidence: there's no evidence that Joe Biden has committed any malfeasance. As I said above, if there was Trump would have used it during the 2020 election.

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Mar 18, 2023Liked by Chris J. Karr, David Thornton

First things first. I'm so glad your medical outlook is positive and wish you the best.

I know you believe Donald Trump has committed criminal actions. It would not surprise me if that turned out to be true. I believe the same about 75% of those engaged in politics. I cannot think of a single crime the evil doers might have committed that can be prosecuted with much hope of conviction. My opinion is that Joe Biden and his cronies are guilty of more serious crimes than the Trump crowd but they could never be convicted in the venues where the trials would take place. Biased DOJ officials and local DAs have a real advantage in selecting the venue, mainly DC and other large, democrat controlled urban areas.

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Thanks, Curtis.

I’ve looked at the allegations against Biden and don’t see proof of criminal activity. Biden does have the benefit of the same DOJ that declined to prosecute Trump while he was in office. I don’t personally think that’s a correct interpretation, but that’s the DOJ position.

At any rate, I don’t see any of the accusations against Biden as approaching Trump’s attempt to steal the election, divide the country, and foment political violence.

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Mar 19, 2023·edited Mar 19, 2023Liked by Chris J. Karr

It's pretty unlikely that Trump would have found any evidence of criminal behavior on the part of Biden and then not released said evidence during the 2020 election - and we know he was trying to dig up any dirt he could (see: Ukraine).

And that's the rub for the pro-Trump/anti-Democrats: there's blatant evidence of Trump's criminal actions and none for Biden. They have to insist that the Democrats are just as bad (or worse), because otherwise they have to reevaluate where they really stand.

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Mar 19, 2023Liked by Chris J. Karr

And what is the provable evidence of Trump's criminality? There are insinuations and speculation and plenty of hate speech because he is not very likable. On the other hand, Biden is protected by the news media and social media and left-leaning DAs and a bureaucratic DOJ. They all pretend he is not a participant in his family's questionable business and financial transactions which have been hidden by the bureaucracy.

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Mar 19, 2023Liked by Chris J. Karr

Proving my point and showing a huge amount of projection, Curtis. The evidence for Trump's criminal actions are right there: the hiding of hush money payments (which are not themselves illegal), the incitement towards an auto-coup prior to and on Jan 6, the obstruction of justice in regards to handing over classified material.

Mr. Donalds said it earlier this week when questioned re: Hunter Biden and where the illegality occurred: "Well, it's not so much about illegality".

When there's hard evidence we can have a discussion about which criminal code was broken by Joe Biden. Until then it's all insinuation and attempts to distract from the very real issues with Trump.

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Mar 19, 2023Liked by Chris J. Karr

Dang! I'm glad you are not in a position to prosecute me for failing to disclose lawful activities. There is no proof that Mr. Trump planned and organized a riot or that he did any more than question voting irregularities. There is no proof that he did anything other than what he claimed regarding classified documents. Biden's defenders are basing their assessment of his claims of innocence on his and his attorney's account of the matter. There is also the fact that the discovery of Biden's possession of unsecured classified materials was hidden prior to the mid-term elections.

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Mar 19, 2023Liked by Chris J. Karr

There's lawful ways to go about things, and unlawful ways to do so. If Trump had simply written a check and handed it to Ms. Daniels, there'd be no problem. It's hiding the payment that's the problem.

How do you square being "tough on crime" and ignoring crime when convenient to you?

There's plenty of proof to charge Mr. Trump: it's political concerns that have slowed the indictments.

You're very well aware of the differences in response between Biden and Trump in terms of what they did after the classified materials were discovered: that's rub, and one you omit because there's no defense for Trump on his refusal to return said materials.

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Mar 19, 2023Liked by Chris J. Karr

Could be but if there were any prosecutable proof of criminal intent or criminal negligence by Trump, he would have been prosecuted. With regard to venues, I have yet to see Lois Lerner and more recent democrat criminals convicted while Republicans are hounded and often convicted.

I think Biden and his political appointees are doing more damage to the USA than Trump ever could and there is just as much (or more) proof of his criminality as there is in Trump's case. I think Trump haters will choose any politician, no matter how questionable his character, over Trump just because he isn't Trump. I saw a statement to that effect last week in the Morning Dispatch snippets I receive daily for free.

Of course, we can both hope for the best in 2024. Maybe neither of them will be elected. I could vote for Vivek Ramaswamy, and you could vote for Marianne Williamson.

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