Sep 1, 2022Liked by Steve Berman, Chris J. Karr, Jay Berman

I don't trust either party to do what it should.

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Sep 1, 2022Liked by Chris J. Karr

Best column in a very long time Steve. This has never been a red/blue thing, it's simply good versus evil. Trump's never been a conservative, never been a republican, hell, never been a democrat. His entire life has been a scam and sham where the only outcome has been "what's in it for me."

The sad reality is his actions have corrupted an entire party. Good people who have lost their way, sold their soul and become caricatures of their former selves. You are spot on, the only way this ends, is by playing it out to his final demise.

It has nothing to do with trusting one side or the other. It is all about finally admitting how evil one man is and how far removed from reality he has become. It's a road that cannot be followed or allowed to play out. Crush him once and for all.

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Sep 1, 2022Liked by Chris J. Karr

I think you're right.

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Sep 1, 2022Liked by Chris J. Karr

The only thing I disagree with is the use of "regime" to refer to a specific administration: the "regime" is the US Constitution, and anyone looking to overthrow the current regime is looking to overthrow the US Constitution.

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I chose that word on purpose. Trump does not see himself as a government servant - he wants a regime. He sees Biden as having a regime he wants to replace in whole. He’s made himself an enemy of our government and as such our form of government. As bad as Biden is, or many Democrats can be in general as power pursuers, they don’t go that far.

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I can understand criticizing Trump as a less than perfect president. If what you say about Trump is true, the democrat approach is just as bad. It's just a slower way of destroying the nation. Their objective is, as Obama said, fundamental transformation. They want an all-powerful state. They think the Constitution is too restrictive.

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Substack needs a down vote button

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Any factual basis for disputing what I wrote?

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Considering what you wrote is entirely devoid of facts, nope.

All you ever say is "Democrats are trying to destroy the country", but the country is the Constitution and only one party is trying to actually destroy it - and that's Trump's GOP.

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Oh and here's some numbers to back that up:


And of course the "if we don't get our way we'll have a Civil War" morons that frankly own the GOP too:


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Oh, I agree on that note - and not just Trump but others as well. I just think we need to be careful how we refer to the regime of the USA, and make sure that everyone is on the same page as understanding that our regime is ruled by the US Constitution and not any one Administration.

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