
The evidence that the Select Committee has found is also available to the DOJ, which has been investigating 1/6 since, well 1/6/21. The hundreds of prosecutions, statements under oath, witnesses, and high profile testimony could have been made into a criminal case, but it’s been turned into political fodder. Trump’s behavior makes me furious. The Democrats treatment of it makes me hopeless. I’m putting my faith in the Fulton County Special Grand Jury. And hoping some Republican steps up to take the mantle from Trump and lead the party out of the sewer. Because Democrats are a bunch of aimless self-interested entitled brats led by a vicious mob of very online white liberal elites who think they speak for people who don’t need or want them. If the GOP is dead (I always predicted Trump would kill it) we need another party.

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Jul 22, 2022Liked by Chris J. Karr

With EE inviting DJT to his newly brought back gathering can we stop pretending it was Trump who destroyed the R party. People like EE and you did. With your vapid beliefs and unending cowardice. You vote for someone you knew was a danger because of "a bunch of aimless self-interested entitled brats led by a vicious mob of very online white liberal elites." Which is hilarious because Biden is president right now because black women and middle class moderates are the largest voting block in the party you use as a scapegoat for being a POS. Grow up. That's what the right needs to do. Face reality and own up to the fact that you would rather burn it all down than to listen to someone who has a different opinion than you.

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I had to re-read Erick’s “It’s Time” post and you’re right, he said he was going to reach out to DJT. That’s a mistake. He shouldn’t do it. Erick was the one who disinvited Trump from the 2015 (then Redstate) Gathering. I was there. It was ugly with Erick reading publicly the most vile emails and threats against his family. How he could invite the man is beyond me. Maybe you’re right that “we” ruined the GOP by creating a mess that allowed Trump to win (without my vote or Erick’s in 2016). Don’t forget that Hillary pursued making Trump the GOP nominee as a campaign strategy. She acted in cooperation with her news network friends. Until she realized it was a mistake. Many people are responsible for ruining the GOP, not least of which are Democrats and media. Trump is true to being who he is, a cheating, lying, amoral SOB who only cares about the Americans who support him. The big difference between him and many other politicians such as HRC or BHO is that Trump is delusional about how far he can go in breaking every tradition and oath. We knew that however. It doesn’t detract from Democrat leaders being a corrupt bunch of effete snobs who only care about Americans who support them. I want no part of either.

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I have to wonder what Garland’s plan is. I’m sure the DOJ is watching and digging on their own.

People made the point that there were no sedition charges among the insurrectionists… until there were.

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Jul 22, 2022·edited Jul 22, 2022Author

"... Trump is delusional about how far he can go in breaking every tradition and oath."

Has he been, though? I feel like with hindsight, he's had a MUCH better grasp of how far he could go and what traditions and oaths he could break better than all of us who thought that The Party or The System would step in to constrain him, only to be met with the sound of crickets.

I'm hoping your Fulton County D.A. (or whatever is left of the NY investigations, or Merrick Garland) prove me wrong. However, my money's on Trump shuffling off his mortal coil long before he experiences the same consequences you or I would have. (Or what some of the Jan. 6th insurrectionists are experiencing now.)

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Jul 22, 2022Liked by Chris J. Karr

Democrats have their own part to play in this game. Hillary while completely right about Trump and the deplorables who make up the right ran a criminally horrible campaign. And democrats will pay for that for the next 30 years. But you don't get to use their short sightedness as an excuse for your faults. That is a pathetic copout from a child. "But mom, they made me do it!" That is your defense. Like I said, grow up.

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Jul 23, 2022·edited Jul 23, 2022Liked by Chris J. Karr

Thanks David, anyone who watched the entirety of last nights hearing had to come away understanding exactly how bad it was. Every single person at the White House begged trump to stop the madness, he listened to no one. He simply sat and reveled in it.

Writers responding to the Jan 6 commission and especially last night's revelations, who come away finding others to blame, are feckless. fools. For one defining moment they had an opportunity to be brutally honest and put the turd in the pocket it belonged in. Still they waffled and tried to blame others. Even in response to your article, they are still playing the game.

Like you, i hadn't sat riveted to the television for the hearings; until last night. I watched live in one room, my wife caught it recorded in another. When we walked our two standard poodles late last night, i asked her her thoughts. She told me there were several times she cried. I told her sadly, me too.

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Jul 22, 2022Liked by Chris J. Karr, David Thornton

The same thing that makes people "roll coal" around bicyclists: they've identified their enemy and will act against said enemy regardless.

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Jul 23, 2022Liked by Chris J. Karr

DeSantis did fuel inflation by distributing $450 per child. Covid relief in general was a bad idea. States have entirely too much discretion in how they distribute the money. Many did worse than DeSantis but much of the payments, whether labeled as gasoline subsidies or child subsidies, ended up in the family bank accounts. Worse were the funds spent on appeasing labor unions and wasted in the school systems. Governors cannot take a principled stand on federal handouts without becoming targets of the leftists and the news media. Expansion of Medicaid is a prime example. Obamacare and Covid relief are both gigantic wealth redistribution schemes primarily benefitting blue cities and states. Shame on politicians of both parties for allowing this to happen.

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Jul 23, 2022Liked by Chris J. Karr

Public health is a prime example of good spending: keep people healthy and working. Not exactly sure how it's wealth redistribution when those funds don't go into people's wallets.

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Jul 23, 2022Liked by Chris J. Karr

The funds come from productive members of society. In some cases that is necessary, but it should be the role of the states. The feds should not be in the welfare, housing or education business. If that were the case, California and New York could quit complaining about paying more than their fair share. Because of the non-citizen population, they already have a disproportionate share of the House of Representatives where spending bills must be passed.

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Jul 23, 2022·edited Jul 23, 2022Liked by Chris J. Karr

Even subtracting non-citizens California would still have the largest population, and the largest amount of representatives.

Taxes for national defense also come from productive members of society: and so it shall always be.

What helps keep people productive? Healthcare.

Public health equals national defense in my mind.

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Jul 23, 2022Liked by Chris J. Karr

Healthcare is a good thing. Too bad it has to be forced on some people after they are seriously ill. The feds should not be involved except for research and development and monitoring.

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Jul 23, 2022Liked by Chris J. Karr

Disagree, for aforementioned reasons of national security/defense.

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