Trump probably loves this. Poor guy hasn’t gotten much free press coverage of late. Must keep him up nights. I imagine he’d gladly read out his Vance or oppo research page by page at this point to get back into the spotlight. Maybe even shoot that baby on Fifth Avenue or whatever he said to that effect in 2016. Lol.

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its Rush, no, its Iran, no, its China.......... It's internal now slinging chaff for sting ops and provide platform for a myriad of evil doing.....and it was internal that tried to murder trump.

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What is so fascinating about this revelation is this simple question: Does it even matter? I know that sounds flippant, but the trump campaign at this moment in time is its own worst enemy.

Between Vance's horrible positions and then the denials he said stuff that is either on tape or in print and trump's chronic ramblings of nonsense, how does it get worse? Any effort to reign him in has become an impossible task; trump simply is who and what he simply is, trump.

I opened my email's this morning and EE's was there Steve. Was i hallucinating? Or, did Erick call for trump to step aside? I know it was a promo for his show, but yikes.

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Something to note: the Trump campaign appears to have not contacted authorities about being hacked. The only source of info is the campaign.

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Politico has confirmed that something is amiss.


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Something to note there: the Politico owner asked the execs to pray for Trump's re-election in 2020.

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Not the only source. Microsoft confirmed. But correct, Trump did not run to the government. And why should they? When companies or organizations are hacked and exfiltrated, unless there’s ransomware or a zero-day vulnerability, the authorities don’t even want to know. I hope Trump has good cyber liability insurance. If any carrier would touch them with a 50 foot pole that is.

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Hacking is a violation of the law, and for the political campaign of one of our major parties you'd think that makes it even more of interest to authorities.

I see MS's report about Iran targeting the election, and one campaign being affected: MS doesn't state which campaign - it's not a huge jump to it being the Trump campaign and not the Biden or Harris campaigns, of course.

(PS: I'd refer to cracking rather than hacking, but since the latter is how everyone thinks of computer crime I'll use that)

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Are you saying the Trump campaign has a legal obligation to report the breach and allow federal authorities access to its systems? If there is I don’t know of it.

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Legal obligation? No, most likely.

I think if they actually gave a damn about our elections that they would, however.

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