
Y’all say what you want but the results are facts.

1) The Committee has no prosecutorial power. It’s proceedings are not criminal. They are convincing some who were borderline but not really breaking Trump’s hold on the GOP unless/until someone rises up to take it from him.

2) The GOP’s paralysis over Trump endorsements and condemnation has caused brain drain and stymied it from taking care of actual govt business.

3) Biden’s approval rating speaks for itself. He needs to step back and declare himself a lame duck.

4) The best path for dealing with Trump is still the Fulton DA case which is not being broadcast live as Grand Jury proceedings are secret.

5) As a nation we have to move on. Though the hearings make a good historical record for people to study later, I am not sure of their practical purpose right now, since Trump is no longer president and any punishment for his misdeeds needs to happen through the legal system not Congress.

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"Meanwhile, the January 6th commission is in full swing with its political show trial, which isn’t a trial at all, since if they had the evidence they keep foreshadowing, Merrick Garland would be speaking on camera about subpoenas, indictments, and actual trials. But they’ve got a really good circumstantial case than Trump is exactly who everyone who knew Trump said he was for decades: A pouty-faced plotter with the comprehension of a pre-schooler when his ill-conceived plans fail to bloom."

I'm a bit confused why you're so down on the Jan. 6th Commission given that you trace our problems to being stuck in an orbit around Trump. The Jan. 6th Commission is doing more to deflate the bubble around The Former Guy and His Hanger-Ons than anything since the Insurrection itself. Given that we're almost at the halfway point of the Biden tenure (I don't foresee him being a viable candidate in 2024) AND Trump controls more of the Republican Party than he did when he won in 2016, the 1/6 folks breaking through to the public's attention is a Good Thing.

Both you and I have to recognize that we're not the audience for the Jan. 6th Commission. We've been following along all along, so you and I are not hearing a lot new out of them. HOWEVER, for the folks for whom politics is not an obsession, last night's presentation was a clear and unambiguous message that Trump has never been fit for office, and nothing will improve that deficit before we're casting ballots for our next President.

To the extent that Trump can be deflated into irrelevance quickly enough that other GOP candidates have nothing to fear from running as well, this lessens the pressure on Biden to go for a second term solely on the strength of him beating Trump before, and being called to beat Trump again.

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