
I don't know if the "fascism" framing here is entirely accurate or useful from an analytic perspective. Yes, both the gov't and the commercial sector are cooperating on policy to push individuals to get the shot. However, don't forget that "the gov't" is also the result of a democratic process that elected representatives and a President who are pushing for a national policy that a majority of Americans (58%[1]) support.

Maybe I'm nitpicking here, but I think "tyranny of the majority" may be a better frame here, unless you want to litigate whether ADA mandates such as accessible entries to businesses for folks in wheelchairs as "fascist". It just feels like you're stretching "fascism" so broad to encompass the vaccine mandates to associate them with figures like Hitler and Mussolini, which doesn't feel entirely earned at this point.

As for your piece on the "Red State stupid unvaccinated" narrative, I'll be interested to hear whether anything's changed in urban minority populations. It looks like here in Chicago, the Black and Hispanic populations are still lagging the white and Asian populations when it comes to vaccination status[2]. Furthermore, if you compare the maps of the Chicago vaccination status[3] with presidential outcomes[4], there's not a clear correlation to be drawn visually. I imagine that the same phenomenon is playing out in Atlanta and other large metro areas where high concentrations of voters magnify their electoral impact compared to sparsely-populated rural areas.

If you're not in a rush to get that piece out, I can see about getting the data for Chicago and doing some proper math on it to come up with an estimate of whether voting for Biden or Trump (a measure of Blue/Red stateyness) is actually a statistically-significant predictor of vaccination status in a given area. And if you can get your hands on similar geographic data for Atlanta, we can run that same information through the same process to see if the "red state unvaccinated" hypothesis actually holds. Let me know if you're interested and I can get in touch.

[1] https://www.forbes.com/sites/andrewsolender/2021/09/13/poll-finds-bidens-vaccine-mandates-broadly-popular-despite-gop-outcry/?sh=49f8f50f2355

[2] https://www.chicago.gov/city/en/sites/covid19-vaccine/home/vaccination-data-at-a-glance.html

[3] https://data.cityofchicago.org/Health-Human-Services/COVID-19-Vaccine-Doses-by-ZIP-Code-Series-Complete/8u6c-48j3

[4] https://blockclubchicago.org/2020/11/04/just-1-chicago-ward-voted-for-president-trump-over-joe-biden/

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