
"That’s why we had to lock down for half of 2019 and most of 2020."

Did you mean "half of 2021"?

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Steve, you wrote, "I’m just fine with their openness to discuss racism as a topic for faith-filled discussion." The problem, as I've observed, is that "discussing racism" is *always* code for "blaming Whitey, who can never adequately atone for his racism, but must never stop trying by means of financial reparations and other preferential treatment of those he keeps oppressing." These "discussions" are never fair or impartial. Their goal seems to be implanting or increasing White Guilt, rather than trying to reduce racism overall.

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If it’s impossible to discuss racism in good faith, then we’ve reached a terrible impasse. Those who can only discuss experiences of racism in terms of white guilt are not discussing in good faith. I think there’s room for good faith on both sides of the issue.

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I'd like to believe that there's room, but I haven't yet seen it utilized. Granted, this isn't an issue in which I'm immersed, so I might easily have missed such a discussion. I guess I'm just going on my own experience: what I've seen for myself.

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I wouldn't want a variant to carry my name. Especially now that we have Senators like Cruz who have no issue putting peoples lives in danger to advance his political career. There are plenty of Xi's here in America to worry about without worrying about China.

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But you know and I know and everyone knows WHO didn't skip Xi because of all the other Xi's here in America or China, but because of Xi Jinping, President of the PRC.

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Do you really think that the President of China gives a crap about whether a variant is named after him or not? I will give you they may want to avoid the optics of it but the idea that he cares or would be offended is really kinda silly. Not everyone is Trump.

I mean i know where this is coming from. American corporations and our government seems to be kowtowing to the Chinese at every turn, but in this one instance why would they care?

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Oh yes. Xi cares.

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How does the Cruz tweet shown above put people's lives in danger? If you're just trashing Cruz in general, rather than for this tweet, what has he done to make you think he's putting people's lives in danger?

As for "Xi", the best-known person in the world with that name is the dictator of China. The name was skipped so as not to offend him. (If you doubt me, try substituting "Trump" for "Xi", and who immediately comes to mind, despite there being many more Americans with that surname than the one who lives at Mar-a-Lago?)

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