May 3, 2021Liked by Steve Berman


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I'm curious, Steve. You aligned with Trump. Why? Because he was the Republican candidate? What about his coarse behavior during his presidency made him the better candidate? I know many Republicans who absolutely would not vote for him in 2020 and they didn't. I know a few Christians in the Republican party who never voted for Trump. You speak of discernment, yet our politics are treated more like sports. No one ever exercises discernment regarding their favored team. The GOP wraps itself in the flag and carries a Bible. That is enough for most and it is detrimental for the rest.

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I would link to pieces I wrote detailing my decision process, but that site is shut down. Ultimately, I had to decide whether the GOP was going to survive. I decided it wouldn't, and I stick by that decision based on everything that's happened. Given that decision, which was the best path? Four more years of Trump with a divided Congress and the GOP self destructing, driving the media, and in general being a troll...or four years of a disingenuous administration with a far-left agenda, using the media as a propaganda ministry, with a divided Congress, while the GOP self-destructs? I decided that Trump would be the less fraught option, the devil-you-know. It's tough to deny a negative, but if Trump had won, we wouldn't have had the whole stolen election crap, not that it's a reason to vote for him. My reason for voting for him was I believed he was the least bad option. But Trump didn't have the character to lose, so he didn't deserve to win.

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Dang Steve when you do the deep dive into religion and theology, i get lost. I tend to be way more basic: Am i a good person? Do i treat people fairly? Do i try and be truthful and honest? You know, the components that make for a civil society that functions well.

As i tried to get me head around any religious leader endorsing trump i found myself in a quagmire. I once heard a friend of trumps claim he doesn't feel he lies because he truly believes the crap he spouts.. If that's the case, then is it possible all those who religiously follow him also believe the crap as well?

Logic tells me they have rationalized all of it to feed the beast we all know as trump and in the end, no one is telling a lie. I know i can rationalize anything i want, but ultimately i know when i am doing wrong, i just do. Is it possible all of these well intended religious leaders are that gullible they don't know trump is simply telling them the big lie?

Are we that far gone as a country that those steeped in the bible and deeply held religious beliefs aren't capable of basic honesty? Of the 60 million trump followers, are there none able to think for themselves? You see my dilemma Steve? Each of us should be responsible for our own truth, not relying on a preacher, pastor, priest or con man to tell us our truth.

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As a Christian myself, I fully endorse this. Well written column, and touches upon points that all of us as Christians need to reflect on. Thank you.

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