Apr 25, 2022Liked by Chris J. Karr

Rather than a lengthy response, whenever i read articles like this and i see McConnell's name as some sort of paragon of virtue, and how those blue states are all blood suckers owned and controlled by the unions, i hearken back to my old days where we simply let data drive the discussion: "For the four federal fiscal years that ended Sept. 30, 2018, the most recent numbers available, Kentucky got $148 billion more from the federal government than the Bluegrass State sent to Washington. Meanwhile, New Jersey got $71.7 billion less than it sent, and New York got $116.2 billion less."

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So the billionaires who have hoarded most of the wealth in this country aren't hippos? Those that buy their government to get tax breaks until they pay almost no taxes. Who still collect all government handouts even though they make billions.

I'm not for aggressive redistribution but this trend of so much of the nations wealth going to less than 100 families is not sustainable. And it is the reason why some states take more than they give.

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