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Every time i read an article about what can or should the Israeli's do, my mind runs back to the moral argument over that fateful August in 1945. Was dropping the atomic bomb right or wrong? I know the position was it ultimately saved lives, but did it? No one really knows, and the horror that came with it was an endless loop of misery.

All these years and all those wars later, we've/they've learned nothing. I've come to believe there is no longer right and wrong in war, just death. The endings are always the same; ultimately someone wins and someone loses and both sides suffer massive casualties. This mess in Gaza will be the same. No matter what any of us say or think.

As far as the Supreme Court, the drama could not be higher or more telling. Smith's move to take it straight to the top was sheer genius. There's absolutely no way they should rule in the orange guys favor. Sorry, but presidents are not above the law. This has nothing to do with liberal or conservative, but yet again, the question of right versus wrong.

Given their rapid response on a number of other pressing issues (called “certiorari before judgment”). they should take this matter up now and not delay it until next year's session. The voting public should want/demand an answer on the claims that trump broke the law. One would think the donald would want to have his name cleared (as if he cares).

By not addressing it and pushing it off, it would become justice denied. We all know the history of how the Supreme Court has been shaped the past several years. The claims the justices are owned by either right or left have been dismissed by them...this is their chance to prove they are owned by anyone...and especially not donald j trump.

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