"Starting in 2007, fueled by Y-Combinator and other investor cash, Facebook began acquiring companies."
I've been following FB and Y-Combninator for more than a decade, but don't recall YC investing in FB. FB was already well-under way BEFORE YC's first class of start-ups.
"Starting in 2007, fueled by Y-Combinator and other investor cash, Facebook began acquiring companies."
I've been following FB and Y-Combninator for more than a decade, but don't recall YC investing in FB. FB was already well-under way BEFORE YC's first class of start-ups.
Let me know if I missed something.
It was Sequoia cash but Y helped on talent acquisition. I missed the reference link. Sorry you’re right.
No worries and I thank you (and David) for a great exchange on this.