May 24, 2023·edited May 24, 2023Liked by David Thornton

Most of us understand the importance of learning from our mistakes. Most of us! Unfortunately, arrogance gets in the way and the most absurd are are those who view life through their own narrow agenda. It's what defines the new gop these days. Ass-hats, clowns and crazies are the new normal and their world views are limited by their own self-importance.

If we default, it will be crushing to so many and when reality sets in for those affected and by those who caused it, what's left of the gop clown car will ultimately be held liable. Sure they'll keep their 35% maga/DeSantis/far right nut jobs in the sinking ship, but it will not, will never be enough to win elections between the remaining normal American's who aren't possessed by demon politics.

Even recent history has demonstrated the larger percentage of American's reject the craziness of the past 8 years. I guess the good news is, they are simply too self-consumed to get their tiny little pea-brains around what is happening because of their actions. God help us all.

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Speaking of arrogance. No one can possibly have a better idea than you and those who agree with you.

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Witty comeback except my "arrogance" is steeped in the historical outcomes since the 2016 election. I don't really care if you agree or not, the reality of the current state of the gop and the clown show running it are what they are. Sadly, there's a boatload of good republicans who have been buried by the crooks, charlatans and ego-maniacs who think public service is all about them and not the people who elect them. Just my humble opinion.

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May 24, 2023Liked by David Thornton

No witticism intended. Name calling as an argument indicates arrogance. So I will apologize for implying arrogance on your part.

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May 24, 2023Liked by David Thornton

No need to apologize C. You actually are one of those on the right i respect. Your arguments are solid and you are always polite. The gop would be far ahead of the game if those leading the charge were more like you and less like trump et al. Hell, you could actually win votes and elections without having to gerrymander districts that create safe havens for those terrified of the masses.

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May 25, 2023Liked by David Thornton

Patrick Chovanec put something interesting out, which may protect our credit rating while causing all sorts of other issues: prioritize debt payments over all other spending.


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I think that’s where I am. The debt has to be honored, but they would not be able to incur new debt.

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At some point the Senate also needs to get involved: pass a clean bill, or make their own compromise solution.

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May 24, 2023Liked by David Thornton

Kevin McCarthy is on tv right now saying he will not put a clean debt ceiling bill on the floor. He alone owns this! My husband and I are both on Social Security. Will Kevin McCarthy pay our bills? Will Kevin McCarthy feed us? No. He is a self absorbed wannabe autocrat!

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A bill raising the debt ceiling has passed the House thanks to McCarthy and the Republican majority.

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Really? Were you having a dream at naptime?

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True or False? Did the House pass a bill raising the debt ceiling?

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Pffftttttt. Just like when the R’s were in control of the house and white house and passed a clean bill?

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I suppose True / False is too complicated.

Currently neither party can be trusted to manage the money. I'm hoping this is where it starts. The ball is with Biden and Shumer.

We are also on Social Security and have been for 21 years. There is plenty of revenue to pay Social Security and other current debts. If I am wrong and you get hungry, just send me copies of your last three tax returns that show you are truly needy, and I will send you $2000 to buy groceries for several months until the Feds get their act together.

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May 24, 2023·edited May 24, 2023

You can be such a jerk. I will give you the true if you admit McCarthy is trying to kill our seniors and soldiers with this nonsense. They need to pass a CLEAN bill and keep from defaulting. Just like they did for the orange demi-god. You show me yours first.

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I hope folks are calling and emailing their Congressman/woman.

It seems folks are conflating the budget with the debt ceiling. As Kimberly Phillips on Jamie Dupree's FB page wrote, "Budget negotiation is not the same as increasing the debt limit. The current budget is actually in effect until the end of September.

So it is actually GOPers who are demanding a budget do-over. They're holding the full faith and credit of the US hostage over appropriations already made and in effect, while balking at paying debts that THEY largely and happily appropriated between 2017 and 2020."

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Republicans are asking for wasteful programs, that we cannot afford, to be curtailed. The appropriated funds cannot be spent without a debt ceiling increase. There is no Republican proposal to default on current debt. The House has passed a bill to increase the debt ceiling with some strings attached in order to limit the fiscal damage done when the democrats controlled the House. I support the bill and have asked my congressman to stick to his guns.

I know of no responsible organization that refuses to adjust a budget as necessary - or that insists on increasing spending year over year no matter what. And, democrats held control of the House in 2019 through 2022.

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I agree there need to be adjustments. I also believe that rolling back some of the tax cuts of the last 20 yrs or more is needed. I acknowledge we will have to agree to disagree on that.

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May 25, 2023·edited May 25, 2023

A lot of people agree with you - mostly democrats. If I could see some fiscal responsibility by Congress and the administration, I might take a step in that direction.

Why do you want to increase taxes? Do you want the federal government to play a bigger role in our day-to-day lives? Are you resentful because taxpayers who pay most of the taxes now pay less? Or do your pay and benefits come from government revenues?

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"Aside from the hypocrisy of the fact that these Republicans raised the debt limit without spending reforms when they held congressional majorities and the White House and actually could have passed meaningful reforms with minimum fuss, they don’t seem to care that default is bad for the country as long as it’s bad for Biden."

The Republicans were wrong then when they did not seriously propose spending reforms. However, it would likely to have never made it through the Senate because of the filibuster rule. I may not be as politically savvy as you, but I do not believe the current House bill is merely a wish list never intended to pass. I believe it is a perfectly reasonable compromise. It will make it to a Senate vote only if Schumer becomes desperate. He knows the democrats must protect the deadbeat vote.

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I'm sure you do think that it's reasonable since it's from your side. The question is whether the people on the other side of the compromise think it's reasonbale.

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It's a compromise. Republicans dropped the matter of student loan repayment and other questionable spending. I don't think that' reasonable but it will do for now. There is sufficient revenue to pay current debts.

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