Good article Steve. Perhaps the best thing to come from this trial to date has been the willingness of officers to break the blue wall of silence that has existed for years. Protecting their own has been a standard of policing. In the Floyd murder, too much was simply too much.
What i have a hard time understanding is now that the trial has ended, why did the judge hold off sequestering the jury till Monday. That makes no sense. Let them go home, get their stuff, put them up in a hotel away from it all and move forward. There will be enough pressure on jurors without the drama of 4 days in limbo.
Finally, the Potter case is wholly different than Chauvin's. Nope, not arguing there shouldn't be a trial, but lumping them together by the mob is nonsense. Even as a bleeding heart liberal i grow weary of the mob mentality and their need for justice at any and all cost.
I like your premise - expose the truth as long as we remember that police officers might have only two seconds to react or risk leaving his or her family missing a parent. Some officers might not have the composure necessary for the job and should have been weeded out during the qualifications. The fact that they weren't does not make them evil or criminal. Much of the problem occurs when partisans do not accept the facts as determined by trials.
Good article Steve. Perhaps the best thing to come from this trial to date has been the willingness of officers to break the blue wall of silence that has existed for years. Protecting their own has been a standard of policing. In the Floyd murder, too much was simply too much.
What i have a hard time understanding is now that the trial has ended, why did the judge hold off sequestering the jury till Monday. That makes no sense. Let them go home, get their stuff, put them up in a hotel away from it all and move forward. There will be enough pressure on jurors without the drama of 4 days in limbo.
Finally, the Potter case is wholly different than Chauvin's. Nope, not arguing there shouldn't be a trial, but lumping them together by the mob is nonsense. Even as a bleeding heart liberal i grow weary of the mob mentality and their need for justice at any and all cost.
I like your premise - expose the truth as long as we remember that police officers might have only two seconds to react or risk leaving his or her family missing a parent. Some officers might not have the composure necessary for the job and should have been weeded out during the qualifications. The fact that they weren't does not make them evil or criminal. Much of the problem occurs when partisans do not accept the facts as determined by trials.