Hey y’all.
I just went back and looked.
The Racket News™ has published 1146 posts (well, 1148 by the time you’re reading this—pedant). The first post I wrote is titled “Why I am doing this.” It was published on December 6, 2020. “The Racket News” is a tribute to my dad, who used to say “it’s a racket” about pretty much anything: unions, corporations, politics, banks, his doctors. He wasn’t a conspiracy nutcase, just a cynical guy who would have identified with “Rich Men North of Richmond” if he were alive to hear it (he passed away on July 4, 2016).
David Thornton is my writing partner. He and I both wrote for Erick Erickson back when Erick ran “The Resurgent.” Sadly, that site is gone, but we decided our muses were not satisfied, and the options for political writers with day jobs and our political bent were decidedly limited. So we both do this for—I dunno—fun? My brother Jay rounds out the Racketeers. We don’t hear from Jay much on this site, but he is a strong presence in the background (we talk almost every day), and occasionally, on our podcasts.
Since we started this thing, it has grown in fits and starts. After 2 1/2 years, we’re creeping up to a noticeable number of subscribers. And many of you, you know, read us. Considering that we post nearly every day, and you haven’t all clicked “unsubscribe” en masse, I’m pleased.
Now let me address something that we know, and hopefully you know, but if you don’t know it, I’m gonna tell you.
This site is not “Racket News.” We are not affiliated in any way with Matt Taibbi. He named his site “Racket News” on January 23, 2023. His domain name is different. He charges for subscriptions. We don’t. He’s a professional journalist who makes his living on his site. We don’t. However, we both live on Substack, and hey, it’s a free country, so he can share the name with us. Just know that we were here first. If you’re here and think you’re reading Taibbi, I’m sorry. You won’t hurt us if you leave (you might hurt my feelings, but not too badly).
If you’re still here, good.
I do have a point, and a request. My point is gratitude. Thank you. I only started blogging in 2014, after my boss told me I am a good writer and should do it professionally. So I went out and got a writing gig (a paying one!). It was not my day job, don’t worry. But that site went all-in for Trump and I couldn’t in good conscience stay there. Then Erick asked me to write for him, and the rest you know. I am grateful however, that The Racket News™ has a vibrant and talkative cadre of readers who care deeply about the issues of the day.
Even when—especially when—readers are critical of me or David, I am grateful. We all learn when we share our ideas, ideals, and arguments. So far, this site has been successful in having civil conversations in the comments. I was always told “don’t read the comments,” but here I find them a joy (most of the time—pedant).
So, what’s the ask, you are thinking.
I want this site to grow. I am happy with it where it is, don’t get me wrong. Also, David, Jay and I have not even discussed turning it into a money thing. That’s not to say we never will, but right now, it’s not anything we’re considering. The Racket News™ is free. But I do want it to grow, mostly because our raison d’etre is to “make some noise.”
I’ve noticed that most of you read what we write, but few of you share it. That might be because it’s not worth sharing. But if it’s worth your time to read, I am asking that you share some of our posts. “But I don’t want to!” That’s fine too. Can you share our site on social media and tell your friends about us?
As we grow, our influence grows. I’m proud that between David and I, some very influential people follow us on social media. Our X/Twitter handle “@newsracket” has a small number of followers. Do subscribe, if only for the funny memes (that’s all David). Our Facebook site also could use more followers. We have social media presence in a lot of other nooks and crannies, and I have my own handles (“@stevengberman” on most major sites like X, Instagram, Threads, Post News, etc.), as well as David.
It would be cool to see The Racket News™ grow in influence. Podcasters have referenced us, and if I have time, I might even do some guest appearances.
But all of that depends on you. Share us. Promote us a bit. Give us more milestones and more subscribers. If you don’t, there’s no shame in it. But if I don’t ask, nobody’s going to do anything.
So I’m asking, and thanking, all of you.
Have a very blessed and enjoyable day!
You are too far left for 70% of my friends to read and too far right for 25% of my friends to read. Maybe I need new friends...
Your work is appreciated but I don't think I have a single friend that reads political opinion. They vote based only on policy, legislation and the economy.