I've always been skeptical of the white evangelical 'horror' at abortion. Abortion is a tragedy but like most evangelical principles i believe that horror is just a theatrical prop used to bash Democrats. After all when the GOP controlled the WH, Congress and Senate in 2016, they did precisely nothing about abortion. What they did do was canonise an adulterer and his enormous government deficit.

My pick is that even if they were to obtain control of government again they'd do nothing, cos they don't actually want black girls giving birth to black babies. Remember, the fine people of Charlottesville won't be replaced.

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That means you think all white people who identify as Republican and evangelical Christian want Black people eradicated. It would make the GOP a hate group, along with the SBC. The case lacks nuance or complexity. It’s a straw man, a talking point answer. Believing the straw man argument makes a heart racist and bankrupt of mercy.

Yes, politics is the art of hypocrisy writ large. Republicans use abortion and Democrats use gun control but neither when they have national power do anything. One of the reasons is the Supreme Court. In 2000 the Supremes would have struck down any attempt to criminalize abortion (and did at state levels). Today it might have a different take. It’s why Dems were looking at “packing the court.” There are reasons for many political actions if you look closer.

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I don't go so far as to label them hate groups but they are certainly motivated by fear and dislike of brown skinned people. Trump built his base on birtherism, the idea that the first black president of the US was not actually a citizen of the US and therefore illegitimate.

This was the first lie the church embraced on its decent into Trumpism. In his chapter on forgiveness in Mere Christianity, CS Lewis warns against enjoying your hatreds. I suspect that every tweet of Donald's that declared Obama illegitimate gave many Republicans a warm feeling. Soon Donald was that warm feeling. One they couldn't let go of no matter what. And now look at the state of both the GOP and her spiritual sister, the evangelical church. Disgrace.

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Again, there’s nuance here. Not everyone who voted for Trump is a supporter. I agree that a large chunk of the white evangelical church has an appalling record on racism. It’s shameful and a poor representation of Christ’s work on earth. There is also a chunk of black evangelicals who are rabidly anti-Semitic and as a Jewish believer in Christ, that’s particularly of interest to me. Neither of these histories should exist. Trump is a terrible attractor for some ignorant people. And that feeds ignorance on both sides of these issues.

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Yeah these types of articles are why I won't be subscribing. Abortion isn't racist, saying it is is racist. Big suprise the white "christian" conservative comes along and wants to bash individual blacks who make a decision as uncaring about their race because they have an abortion. The only way you have an outlook like that is if you are racist yourself. Here's a shocker for you, blacks are individuals too, with their own lives and their own issues. And I'm pretty sure their race doesn't come into play when they make that decision.

Also I know Rev. Wright is a good name for scaring white people, but did you bother to listen to what his actual sermon was while he was there? Or did you just use the opportunity to drop his name as you justify your vote for the party currently trying to overthrow our government?

I bet I know the answer too that too.

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Thank you for reading and for the honest opinion. Although abortion statistics speak for themselves. It’s 5 times more likely for a Black mother to have an abortion than a white mother. Abortion clinics which operate as profit centers are purposely located in minority neighborhoods. If a bank did that to reap in fees it would be a scandal. Abortion is racist and always has been since the Birth Control League (now called Planned Parenthood) advocated for eugenics to “cleanse” the gene pool. Read up on it.

As for my vote, if you don’t believe my reason as I stated it then I’m fine with you calling me a liar. But calling me a liar makes it highly unlikely I’ll listen to anything you have to say.

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Oh you can make the case for abortion providers being racist. There is historic documentation proving that. But the individual people having those abortions probably don't give even a passing thought to race.

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