Let me just share the notes I sent to our participants. Here’s some of the scenarios I’ve heard on “how it ends.” You’ll want to listen all the way through because Susan Bagwell has some other ideas.
a. Repentance, or “The Shift” - assume there’s enough persuadable voters that if only enough bad information about Trump (“dictator!” “The Heritage Project 2025” etc.) was better communicated, people would change their minds. Biden wins on righteousness.
b. Magma, or “The Silent Uprising” - the people you don’t hear from have had enough and will rise up against Trump and propel Biden to a landslide. Assume the polls are wrong. Biden wins on feistiness.
c. Unmasking, or “The Grift Implodes” - something happens that exposes Trump world to such financial revelation as to turn people off in large numbers (related to “The Shift” but with a much sharper blade). Assume people would care. Biden wins on disgust.
d. Failed Coup Part Two, or “Inglorious Basterds” - events leads to a mass arrest of various Trump-connected people involved in election shenanigans by state and federal officials at the eve of the election. Trump loses because his voters are instructed to stay home and protest the “rigged” election. Assume the justice system works. Biden wins on irony.
e. Heat Death, or “Ennui Subtraction” - people stay home, period. Low turnout drives Biden to victory on sheer entropy. (Jay likes this one.) Assume sanity.
f. Ragnarok, or “Playtriot Paradise” - assume a close election and Trump wins. Go wherever that leads. No assumptions necessary. Trump uber alles.
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